2024, KCRG-TV9, Iowa, Derecho recovery impacts Cicada emergence
BR Abendschau (18 Uhr) – Beitrag zur Ausstellung
Jon McCormack and Marília Bergamo, Poetics of Complexity: Intersections between scientific conceptions of Complexity Systems and Cybernetic Art, ARTeFACTo – International Journal of Transdisciplinary Studies in Arts, Technology and Society, 2020.
Šime, Zane, #art&technology: Greenness in the Anthopocene, Culture360 Magazine, Connecting Asia & Europe through arts and culture, March 18, 2020.
Caune, Hemuts, Nature’s waste, impressionists’ poison, Art Territory, Baltic, Russian and Scandinavian Art Territory, Aug. 5, 2019
Andreina, De Bei, Exposition “OUVert” : le vegetal fait chavirer nos perceptions au Tranpalette de Bourges, Sciences et Avenir, Décembre 17, 2019
Mangin, Loïc, Nous Aurons Des Coquelicots, Pour la Science Nº506, pp.86-7 Décembre, 2019
Rodrigues, Meghie. (2018). Arte e ciência para lidar com um mundo complexo. Ciência e Cultura, 70(1), 60-61. https://dx.doi.org/10.21800/2317-66602018000100016
Jens Hauser, ART ET AGENTIVITÉ À L’HEURE DU WETWARE, Stream 4 – The Paradoxes of the Living / Les Paradoxes du Vivant (bilingual), Stream Publishing, January 12, 2017, pp 248-269. ISBN-10: 2954096977
Monika Bakke, Art and Metabolic Force in Deep Time Environments, Environmental Philosophy, 14:1, 2017, pp.41-59
Jens Hauser, Biomedia beyond Forms: Art – Aliveness – Otherness, The Dream of Forms, The Magazine of the Palais de Tokyo, Palais 25, p.115, 2017
Jens Hauser, Leuchtgehirne, Bakterieengoldgräber und DNA-Photoshopping: Kurst mit Biomedien und jenseits der Artengrenzen, Möglichkeit Mensch, 2017, pp.132-140. ISBN-10: 3958081371
Edited by Irene Hediger & Jill Scott, Artists-in-Labs, Recomposing Art and Science. Jens Hauser, Biomediality and Art, p201, Walter de Gruyter GmbH Publishing, 2016. ISBN 978-3-11-047459-6
Charissa Terranova, Between Negative Dialectics and Biological Aesthetics, Art Journal, August 19, 2016
Kelly Grovier, Art Since 1989. Thames & Hudson, 2015, p.142-144. ISBN 978-0500204269
Wolfgang Kerebe and Markus Schmidt, Splicing Boundaries: The Experiences of Bioart Exhibition Visitors, Leonardo, Vol. 48, No. 2, pp. 128-136, 2015
Mary Tsang and Benjamin Welmond, DIYSECT, Episode 5: Hybrid Practices, video documentary series, 2015 http://www.diysect.com/hybridpractices
Jens Hauser, Bacteria that Square the Circle, A Magazine: Delfina Delettrez. A Magazine, 2015, p.56-61
Video documentary, Exposition SO3, Art, Biologie et (Al)Chimie par Jens Hauser, 2015, Réalisation Silvi Simon, Transduction Marie Verry. https://vimeo.com/135271997
Filip Visnjic, ReBioGeneSys, Origins of Life – Art designed to produce nature, Creative Applications Network, 04-22-2015 c0 (Online) http://www.creativeapplications.net/environment/rebiogenesys-origins-of-life/
Jenny Lee, Material Alchemy. BIS Publishers, 2014, p.108-109. ISBN 978 90 6369 376 3
Madhumita Venkataramanan, Playlist: Cultural Pick of the Month, Alchemical Art, Wired UK Edition, January 1, 2014, p.104
Peter Brannen, Feature Article, Microbial Muse: Drawing on Microbes for Inspiration, Hidden World, Microbe, November 2013, Vol 8, No 11, p.454-459
Oliver Wainwright, Grow Your Own: where scientists and artists are shaking up creation, The Guardian, October 28, 2013 (Print/Online) http://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2013/oct/28/grow- your-own-synthetic-biology
Dublin Science Gallery’s Grow Your Own, RTE News/Will Goodbody, October 25, 2013 (TV/Online, 2m02s) http://www.rte.ie/news/player/2013/1025/20461365-dublin- science-gallerys-grow-your-own-exhibition/
Régine Dabtty, From swarms of the synthetic life forms to neo-alchemy. An interview with Adam Brown, We-Make-Money-Not-Art, June 15, 2013
Nadia Drake, Golden microbial art, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), Vol.10 no. 15, April 9, 2013
Peter Gwynne, There’s gold in them there bugs, Nature, Vol. 495, S12-S13, 14 March, 2013 http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v495/n7440_supp/pdf/495S12a.pdf
Gregory Mone, Microbial Powerhouses, Hidden World, Discover Magazine, April 2013, p.16
Marcos Ricardo dos Santos, A máquina de fazer ouro, Super Interessante, Feb 2013, p. 20
Alyson Sheppard, The New Alchemy, Researchers Find a New Way to Create Solid Gold From a Toxic Liquid., Popular Mechanics, Volume 190. No. 1, January 2013, p.16
L.C., Une Bactérie Excrète Des Particules D’Or Pur, Science & Vie, Décembre 2012, No 1143, p. 22
Washington Post Named “The Great Work of the Metal Lover” to its top six innovation stories of 2012 http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/on-innovations/6-for-12-the-top-innovations-stories-of-2012/2013/01/08/41d2d382-58fe-11e2-88d0-c4cf65c3ad15_gallery.html#photo=3
Timon Singh, Scientists Use Super-Strong Bacteria to Produce 24K Gold, Inhabitat.com, October 10, 2012 http://inhabitat.com/scientists-use-super-strong-bacteria-to-produce-24k-gold/
Paul Ridden, Art and science combine to turn gold chloride into nuggets, Gizmag.com, October 10, 2012 http://www.gizmag.com/great-work-of-the-metal-lover/24510/
Debbie Carlson, FOCUS: ‘Microbial Alchemy’ Produces Gold From Toxic Chemical, Forbes, October 5, 2012 http://www.forbes.com/sites/kitconews/2012/10/05/focus-microbial-alchemy-produces-gold-from-toxic-chemical/
Damien Gayle, 21st Century alchemy: The tiny bug that can turn common elements into 24 carat GOLD, The DailyMail, October 4, 2012 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2212807/21st-Century-alchemy-The-tiny-bug-turn-common-elements-24-carat-GOLD.html
Meredith Bennett-Smith, Gold From Bacteria: Scientists Prod ‘Superman Bacteria’ Into Producing 24-Karat Nuggets, Huffington Post, October 4, 2012 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/04/gold-bacteria-24-karat_n_1937477.html
Emi Kolawole, Bacteria that poop gold? Yep, that exists, and it’s in an art exhibit., Washington Post, October 4, 2012 http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/innovations/post/a-bacteria-that-poops-gold-yep-that-exists-and-its-in-an-art-exhibit-video/2012/10/04/1617f178-0e5d-11e2-bd1a-b868e65d57eb_blog.html
Ian Steadman, Bacteria eat toxic liquid and excrete pure gold for art, Wired.co.uk, October 3, 2012 http://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/2012-10/03/bacteria-turning-liquid-into-gold
Radio interview with Christopher Weiss, ORF-Radio FM4, Space, blocks and extremophiles, September 1, 2012 http://fm4.orf.at/stories/1704157/
Broad/MSU launches Virtual Broad Art Museum with original digital artworks on view in multi-user online environment, April 1, 2012. http://artdaily.org http://www.artdaily.com/index.asp?int_new=54213&int_sec=2
Michigan State University 2011 President’s Report http://www.report.president.msu.edu/
Program 33, Arte Tracks “God Art” December 20, 2011 French and German Weekly Televison Program http://www.arte.tv/fr/God-Art—Il-etait-une-fois-la-vie—Tracks/4317716.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTIaO063YZ8
Elizabeth Pennisi, Random Sample: Art Imitating Life – The Synthetic Kind, Science Magazine; April 29, 2011; VOL 332, p.520
Human Self-observation in the context of the Intelligent Art Installation – Aristotle Revisited, Colección Formas Plásticas. Valencia, Spain: Institucio Alfons el Magnànim. (forthcoming)
Classic Experiment from 1952 on the Origin of Life Recreated in Art-Science Exhibit, April 20, 2011. http://artdaily.org
Stephen Wilson, Art and Science Now: How scientific research and technological innovation are becoming key to 21st-century aesthetics. Thames & Hudson, 2010 p. 160-162 & 172-173. ISBN – 9780500238684
Herman Rapaport, (catalogue) Technically Beautiful, Engaging Technology (A History and Future of Intermedia), 2007, p6
2007 Featured in documentary produced for the Oklahoma Heritage Museum as part of their permanent exhibit.
Gae Savannah, (review) ”Newark Between Us” Sculpture Magazine, December 2007, 26(10), p71-2
New Jersey Network News by Michael Aron (6 min), January, 2007
Will Prescott, OU Professors combine art, science (Artificial intelligence on display), The Oklahoma Daily. Thursday, Sept. 6, 2007 VOL. 92, No 16. front page
Studio Tulsa (interview with Rich Fisher) KWGS National Public Radio, September 6, 2006
Holly Wall, The Art of Science or is it the other war around? Urban Tulsa Weekly, p19 September 7-13, 2006
James D. Watts, Jr. (review) Exhibit Explores Electronics, Artificial Intelligence. Tulsa World, Thursday, Sept 7, 2006
William V. Ganis, (review) Archival to Contemporary: Six Decades of the Sculptors Guild. Sculpture Magazine, September 2006, 25(7), p71-2
Representative Image for Siggraph 06, Wired Magazine, p.52 July, 2006
Suhjung Hur, Art and Space, Korea – Bob, International Magazine of Space and Design, 023, p. 130-133 July, 2006
Patrick Earnest, Is it live, or is it digital sculpture? The Norman Transcript, January 27, 2006
Aileen Jacobson, Let There Be Art. Newsday, February 5, 2006
Long Island News (interview) Telecare TV29 Long Island, New York, January 26, 2006
Marcelle S. Fischler, A Stage for Art. The New York Times, Sunday, February 5, 2006
Helen A. Harrison, (review) Archival to Contemporary: Six Decades of the Sculptors. The New York Times, Sunday, March 19, 2006
Kathryn Shattuck, Footlights: Minds of Their Own. The New York Times, Technology Section, January 29, 2006
Steve Sisney, Computer Art. The Oklahoman, January 24, 2006; Norman Section, p71
Judi Boland, Art and Science blend in Collaboration. Pauls Valley Daily Democrat, Vol. 103, No. 016 Sunday, January 22, 2006. P128
Chris Carter, The Bion Project: An Emergent Ecosystem. The International Digital Media and Arts Association (IDMAA), 2006 – Sunday, March 19, 2006
Ebon Fisher, “Between Flesh and Wire, Ruminations on a Radical Educational Experiment” p.161-164 Intermedia: Enacting the Liminal. Dortmunder Schriften zur Kunst, Germany ©2005
Lindsey Riddle, Stimulating the Senses. The OU Daily, Thursday, December 8, 2005, Vol. 90, No. 77, p10
Joe Gardyasz, Getting the big (interactive) picture. Des Moines Business Record, Sunday, December 07, 2003
Tami Watson, Art morphs in teleconference. The Norman Transcript, Nov. 28, 2001. Front page
Bernardo Raposo, Teleconference links colleges through art. The Oklahoma Daily, Vol. 85, No. 68, Nov. 28, 2001. p.2
Mary Ann Johnson, Conference Offers Professor Great Ride. The Oklahoma Daily, Vol. 85, No. 67, Nov. 27, 2001. p.3
Justin Noel Shimko, Art students Pool Their Works. The Oklahoma Daily, May 4, 2001. p.38
G.H. Hovagimyan, Art Dirt, Pseudo Radio, New York, www.pseudoradio.com, February 20, 1997.(interview)
Kerry J. Hahn, Eye on the Arts, (interview) KGAN TV Channel 2, Cedar Rapids/Iowa City/Dubuque/Waterloo, February 15, 1997
Linda Schreiber, Art Explores Mystery: Isis ‘C U SEE US.’ Teleconference Connects Artists and Visitors,” Community News, Vol. 7 No. 22, February 12, 1997, front page
Dave Gosch, Goddess Inspires Art Project. Cedar Rapids Gazette, Vol. 115, No. 45, February 23, 1997, 15-17
Mike Owen, Isis: New Views of the Myth. West Branch Times, January 30, 1997, front page & 16-17
David Lee, Exhibit Unveils Myth of the Mysterious Isis. Iowa City Press Citizen, January 27, 1997